Information, useful contacts and emergency details for residents at Christopher Boone's Court

Residents' Handbook

The Residents' Handbook sets out useful information about Boone’s Home’s and its general administration and management. It also explains your responsibilities as a resident. Please do not hesitate to speak to the Policy and Operations Officer (Almshouses) if you need further information on any matters.

Please click here to the Boone's Homes Residents' Handbook

Report a repair 

One Housing Group are responsible for the built fabric of your dwelling, and for all issues arising up to the front door of your dwelling and for the heating/hot water supply inside your dwelling.

Please use the One Housing Group ‘Customer Contact Centre’ helpline in relation to any of the following:

• Blocked drains

• Problems with electricity supply to your dwelling

• Problems with heating or hot water supply to your dwelling

• Problems to do with the built fabric of your dwelling, eg a broken window.

The One Housing Group Customer Contact Centre number is

0300 800 1630

Open Mon-Fri 9am to 5.30pm and Sat 10am to 1pm

020 8979 2220

for emergencies out of office hours

In relation to problems affecting the inside of your dwelling, which are NOT listed above

Contact the Policy and Operations Officer (Almshouses), who is an employee of Merchant Taylors’. They can be contacted on 020 4511 6301 or by email at

For anything to do with the Christopher Boone’s Court site apart from your dwelling

Please speak to One Housing’s Resident Services Property Manager, who works in the office on the garden level.

Routine Repair Times

We will attend and complete the repair within 28 working days.

Examples of routine repairs:

  • Minor repairs to joinery
  • Faulty bathroom sinks and toilets.

For routine repairs, we will usually try to group together a number of repairs actions onto the same date so that the contractor can deal with a number of flats on the same day.

Emergency Repair Times

For emergency repairs which are the responsibility of Boone's Homes, and not One Housing Group, an operative will be contacted immediately and will attend to the emergency as soon as possible.

In terms of the general maintenance of your home, residents are responsible for the following:

  • keeping it clean and in good condition
  • reporting repairs as soon as you become aware of them
  • insuring your home possessions
  • giving us access to your home to carry out repairs or any other essential work
  • all repairs to your own belongings.

For anything relating to your accommodation charges (‘WMC’)

The Charities Accountant at the Merchant Taylors’ Company

Telephone 020 4511 6285 (explain you are an almshouse resident, and ask to be put through to the Charities Accountant).

For all other queries

In an emergency: The Community Alarm Service at any time of day or night

Press the button on your individual pendant or wristband, or the button next to your front door.

You can contact the Housing Ombudsman Service for advice at any time during our internal complaints process or 0300 111 3000. They usually accept complaints for formal investigations once you have exhausted our internal complaints process.

Even if you decide to refer your complaint to the Housing Ombudsman, we would still be very happy to continue to try to resolve your complaint in the meantime.

Policies for Residents

Click here to read our policies